Lost within myself~

Konnichiwa. (:

*yawn* I have just awoken from hibernating. I'm dull now. drained out.

I was watching 'The smile have left your eyes' on CR at the part where the creepy pretty girl in black stabbed Yuko-chan's oniiiiiiichan~ and it stopped loading. bummer. so I decided to blog! yay. :)

tonikake~ celebrated my daddy's birthday last saturday. The cake's beautiful! really,


which turned out like this la.. :D

Do not ask about the taste. all I can tell you is that, never ever. EVER. eat a salty cake. Unless if you have honey with you la. (:

don't sue me, bees.

two events happened yesterday. Which kind of made my day better, as in more interesting. one of it only la,

the good one?

I drew a beautiful girl.

Look at her!! She's so pretttty!!!

the bad one...

10th Nov. tortoise tank :: two tortoise! + sea shells and clean water.

14th Nov. tortoise tank :: 1 tortoise + cloudy water. empty.

notice the differences? If you can't notice it, you're blind.

that lousy fatter, bigger sized tortoise stepped on that poor little cute thing and ran away. T-T there goes my 6 bux.

SO anyway,

Samuel came over yesterday to have some quality time with my brother. *puke* and he brought Fate Stay Night! not that I watched it together with them, but he brought it!! yeah, and he taught me how to download Shakugan no Shana from veoh.

Praise the Lord for Samuel. :D

I'll be mourning for my dead-by-now tortoise.

till another round of hibernation ends,
don't miss me,

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