
ough,, I've just been attacked by a round juicy filled doughnut. x(

sigh, school had been as interesting as a door knob. there's always piles of homeworks to finish after school. ): buddhen , :DD I've joined perbarisan again this yr. :P time to get darker than usual.. not like Im not dark enough.. x.x


gyabo. ,, I'm so bored.

hey, hey.. for all the vry vry vry VRY bored people out there; please do watch Nodame Cantabile. promise, gurantee, no money pay back, you'll laugh till ur stomach flips over like a fish. woo! interesting sight.

ANYWAYS. sigh sigh sigh. when is SU starting? Melvin!!! reply my msg.. ):

ah sien. I hv to finish up ALL my homeworks by today. so,, buh bye :P take B.K arh~~


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