read the post below.

now, I didn't want to have anything to do with blogger for the rest of the weekend but I've done something extremely out of myself yesterday -- I did housework. for someone ELSE.

just in case you people of doubt don't believe a word I just typed,


I have short hair now, remember? now, this! is Train Heartnet for you, Chi. (:


the second generation of Train I suppose? hah.


well anyway, I've been catching up with my homeworks lately. (you guys should really read my cousin's essay about his opinion on homeworks, it's convincing that homeworks are really invented for torture and torture only. ) that mountain high pile of work and I've got something nice to keep me going. chocolates. (:


thank you cadbury. you've made my day special. harh. bs. -.-"

hence, my update.

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