rants. ongoing ones.

I've finished Hana Yori Dango! the manga, that is..

used up SO many of my studying time, but it was worth it, of course. why would i ever waste my studying time on petty little things anyway.. so if I ever do anything that could possibly take up my studying time, you're soooo lucky.

pfft, that was all bs.

we had our 2nd class party last Wed, which was 7th May 2008, one day before Chinese (I just had the urge to put it in red) exam. I didn't had enough time to finish up my essay! same goes for English btw, I just simply scribbled the last few lines when Pn. Buvanes said it was last 5 mins. ahh, traffic light.. your karmas are so true! so much for attempting to brush up my rotten english yesterday by reading a really, really, really monotonous English novel filled with vocabularies that I have to check a dictionary to find out the meaning, literally.

anyway, the party. it was for some reasons. check out the reasons yourself, she's the one that doesn't knows how to swim! haha.. I was happily minding my own bisnuess after singing 5 songs in one go around the same melting chocolate cake, then suddenly our 'mother' started running around with cream on her fingers. yeah, they were all screaming and running. and I THOUGHT I could stay out of trouble by reading StarTwo at my desk -- located right beside the door, the first seat. but nooooo-hh, 'mother' announced that my face was too clean.

obviously, I took cover .. with a newspaper. don't laugh ! that's all I had at that time, she couldnt reach me of course! *bangga* but hong kar men came with one tray of cream and wiped a whole handful of cream on my forehead.. even my hair was smeared with cream. Elaine! why weren't you there!!

then Yee Zan Ye was laughing at me when he saw my face, I tell you, if I didnt feel like puking with the smell of cream so strong on my head, I would have prob'ly smeared some on his already smeared face. He was ranting on about having 2 A2s today when BI was over.. -.- I didn't know such perasan human existed on the surface of our beautiful Earth.


how come I didnt witness the smearing of cream on CL or PC's faces?

never mind that then, I'll go read 7th Period is a Secret. I'm still wondering what's it about, hope it's not something weird. -.- ; by weird I mean like Ichigo 100% nonsense scenes.

till then, ^^
he greeted me!

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