Global Warming is affecting Malaysia.

which is bad. seriously

OMG. IT'S SO FRIGGIN' HOT. I've been sweating ever since 8 in the morning which was when I started to stone in class because no teachers were coming in and Seven Ancient Wonders by Matthew Riley rocks! well, in my case it was better than Da Vinci Code. D: I couldn't withstand the deep English words (well, my language is bad, so..) so I gave up after reading about the official meeting with the corpse that started off the mystery but Seven Ancient Wonders is In-ter-res-ting. ahh, but I do think that I'll continue on with Da Vinci Code when I've run out of books to read. (:

anyways, if you've taken the liberty of reading my cBox, you'd have found out that my sister is currently pissed off at me and had apparently, threatened to post up a super sexy picture of myself showing off my huge bouncy stomach. why? because I posted a video of her smashing the guitar and her friend saw it who is currently laughing her head off the video and she dislikes the laughing part. Elaine! you showed your sister the video didn't you!!

deh! I'm going off the track of my main reason of posting.


it's exactly one more month before my birthday. (: tralala. la la la la la la.

oyeah, I didn't got my add maths result yet so I'm not emo and therefore, tadah! I'm blogging! AGAIN! but I got my Chinese though, which was really bad compared to that of the last two terms. GAH. but let's just forget about that. and remember Chemistry is goooooooood.

okay, OKay. I geddit, byebye.

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