Friends or Fiends?

most of the times when you look into pictures, it brings out such sweet memories and you can actually smile at it and think to yourself, 'I had such great friends.'

but on this particular night,

when I see this picture of six girls smiling at the camera; what it tells me is, 'we hate each other.' why, of course. No one actually said that to my face before, those three words that could turn you life around. But on this particular night,

those three words printed hard as if embossed into the computer screen.

"I hate you, I hate ... ..., I hate ..., I hate .... ... the most, and ...... is the worst of all"

I need fresh air. and I hate msn.

Even though we do have little little fights once in a while due to one another's lack of consideration and cooperation, but it will all subside. and yeah, God, I hope this will also subside. somebody give me a clue why did that happen.

yeah well, so much for being together for 2 years;

friends or fiends? it's just one letter away afterall.

give me a reason.


Alvin Kuan said...

misunderstanding do happens~
My scoutmaster once told me...
"Sometimes to lose is better than to win, even though you're right."
sigh... tough luck.

Life moves on anyway~ =)

I said "I hate you" before!!
many many times~
bleh... =x

Mr. J said...

Hmm. I tell u what. I've once had the same thought as urs before. But eventually what happened was different from what i'd thought. This is what life means~ you know..?

Sometimes, it's just like a game. Afterall, it will end. yeah, it will.

Now, get urself calmed, calmed and calmed. Dont ever try to forget it as the more u try, the longer it will be remembered. Let it go naturally. Lolx