look around.

if you guys had taken notice, I've changed my hit counter to something smaller and more normal. becuase apparently the previous counter was cheating, counting every page load. . . uh, okay.

anyway, yesterday when I blogged about my trip, I saw the new counter with '160' on it. but just now it had increased to '226'. and the weird thing is it's settings is set to unique visitors. O.o why is there a huge difference in the numbers? I have to say my counter is broken . SIGH//


my family is coming back today from Ipoh where they had the memorial service for my uncle. what I don't get is that my uncles and aunties didn't want to tell my grandma about this matter, which I find utterly disturbing. I mean, she deserves to know .. right? even though she might faint over the news or something. GAH.

nvm, nvm.

so anyway, they're coming back today & I'm surprised my brother went together. hufff.

with all due respect,
Rebecca. (:
=> anata wa watakushi no shujin dayo!

".. You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are."

quoted from HSM soundtrack 'breaking free'
tear off that mask and let the world see who you really are.
just like the song title, 'break free'.

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