the other way round.

so, I actually wanted to rant on about my sister that left me in school to wait for a never appearing car for the gazzilionth time already this year but I decided the better -- ranting on the departure of my maid.

5 years ago she arrived with short boy-cut hair. 5 years later she owns the longest lengthed hair I've ever saw someone own in real life.

5 years ago she was a stranger. 5 years later she is a friend. and an arch enemy to my sister.

5 years ago she spoke only a little. 5 years later I hear her sing her lungs out every afternoon and laugh like , seriously, a demented person whilst watching the Korean dramas.

5 years ago, she had no idea what mee sup was. 5 years later, she kept on cooking mee sup.

5 years ago, I hated her for stealing my bedroom away. 5 years later, I still hate her for that fact.

5 years ago, she was normal. 5 years later, I think she'd turned a little crazy. all the talking non-stop and the singing-to-yourselves.

well, whatever changes there were in these five years together, she'll be gone tomorrow. AND I GET MY BEDROOM BACK! YES! YES! YES!! I mean I have to start doing house chores and online time will die out eventually , since next year's SPM year , I'll probably be super emo next year and hence, resulting in the chain-up-myself-in-room act all over again like that period of time when I started to become an emo kid.

look on the bright side! I'll have more allowance! :D and no time to spend them. pffft.

but all of that comes of short-termed effect. of long-termed effect, I'll definitely miss her and her mee sup. and her singing. I'll probably be missing one helluva loads of home-food. cause my mom's too busy taking her afternoon naps and will probably forget to cook dinner and suddenly say , 'hey! who's up for mcD's?!' and eventually we'll get sick of mcD's too.

but really, I wish her all the best. and I pray for her wellness. because she's giving me back my room. hah hah ha hah aha ha ha . and I also hope that her now-5-year-old son doesn't calls her 'kakak' and will instead call her 'ibu' lolololol.

hmm. now comes the problem, what should I give her as departure gift?


when life is shit and you know for sure you're going down the wrong way, there's always a U-turn up ahead where you can be on the right road again. pray to the Creator of CY Majoris, He'll carry you on His shoulders and bring you back home.

- this is home, where you are.

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