
C~~ G~~~~ Am ~
haha , i've been strumming that for like dayss now. the tips of my fingers are getting sore from all the string pressing but meh, i'd like to think i'm more macho now. 8D macho becca. muahaha ! other than continuously strumming the same chords over and over again and convincing myself that's how the pros play it, i'm currently stuck in my guitar learning course. i wanna find a new song to learn but what songg??? )): everything's so hard and i don't know how Csus4 sounds like !!! neither do i know how Fmaj7 sounds like DD:

other than the usual homework piling, studying stuff we form 6ers do, i'm also breaking my sudoku record in my phone. i'm at 26s at easy and 1min32s on hard. i am awesome. (:

3rd week into the no fb thing and i feel so disconnected from the world. people i hang out with most of the time spends most of their time on fb so they talk about fb and im like whaaaaat? what did you announce in fb again? huh? you got your fingers chopped off? whenn?! you know, stuff like that happens.

i actually have nothing to blog about., just to keep the page updated. heh . anyway, here's a quote from some random school's page.
Do your best and let God do the rest. (:
now then, my graphs & karangans awaits meeeeee !!~~

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