#300 (I see DreamAlive!)

I see DreamAlive album . O: in the capalang shop i work in ! O: i was squealing with joy while holding the album asking, "who ordered waaannn??!??" then the supervisor who demoted me said "me lah. i see the name like very interesting so i ordered." O:

oh, my supervisor is this short (less than 5 ft.) 30 years old guy that looks like he's 20 and has a sun tattoo at the back of his neck; just to give you a brief idea of what he looks like.

yeah that's first to post about .

#2 ish i got demoted! WOOHOOOO ~ i don't mean to sound happy but I so bloody am . :DDD got demoted from fulltime to parttime. says i'm not suitable. ...so i get more off days, (+supervisor offered more than usual pay per hour;RM4.00 ftw!), i get to eat breakfast w my dad, brothers as long as i can w/o worried about being late & all the other awesome benefits of a part-time worker lahh ! sides, the other girl wants to be fulltime so win-win dudee.

#3 wtf how can arsenal lose to MU?

#4 i'm going shopping HAHAHAHA! xD & i got this awesome pants from pasar pagi RM25 wooots. i still feel funny not finding crocs in IOI to buy that spongebob gibbit for fish/potato/inmate/gaygirl . xD damn lot of nickname i tell you that fella!

okay go now bai.
Wilayah Day ish awesomesomesomesome.. xD

p/s arsenal wiinnnn chelseaaa .. ! mustmustmustmust . O:

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