o2jam - sdo

remember the o2jam era?

it was like way back since when i was in primary 6 ;we used to call each other up by the house phone (no h/p ma) and say, "OI ON O2JAM AH TONIGHT!" then by 8pm (after dinner ma) everybody will be on MSN, msging each other "go go o2jam(or gundbound)"

we'll be chatting like no one's business in a locked room , starting the game only when we realise the need to level up. xD

it was so long ago that i had to Google Search a screenshot for it . zz, epic days. all my screenshots are like gone in some long lost CPU storage system. i used to be like damn proud of my no bad no miss perfect score on this song called bridesomething. O__O

naoo o2jam got demolished years ago. insufficient funds i think, not sure. so the sdo era came by! *dramatic music*

awesomer graphics, unable to go nude avatars, only 4-keys to play, 3D avvies, super bloody expensive clothes, even awesomer songs (weeeek by NewS ftw),easier to get BAD score, people that ask if you're a malay, and same hamsup players that ask if you have fb/msn etc.

according to a hamsup friend i have (damn i'm going to sue him for sexual harassment), he says "O2JAM WAS AWESOME LAH, SDO FOR NOOBS 4-KEYS ONLY NO CHALLENGE"

well anyway, who cares if it's for noobs it has awesome songs.
i gtg explore Bangsar South now.
The Sphere is AWESOOMMME. ♥

oh ya, please open your house for me go bai nian . :D

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