New Template

Blogger tempted me into it! idk, i didnt' change it much after just selecting the preset layout. it seems awfully large all of a sudden. i guess you just have to get used to it? :D

Lately, i'm bored as John would normally be. (note that i refer to John in all the negative examples?) that's actually just because we didn't have class for two days due to the preparation for Anugerah Cemerlang. (RM80!! :DD)which of course, i claim it be very troublesome. cause i, for one, had to go through the trouble of skipping helping the teachers out and then getting scolded by fellow classmates about not cooperating, then getting bored because no homework is given .. etc. etc.

don't get me wrong here, i don't like homeworks at all. normally, i would be over the moon about not having to do homeworks but dude! even Avatar: The Last Air Bender series bores me to sleep. something's wrong with my system. :X

so to repair my malfunctioned nervous system, dotA it is. I'll inform you when i'm a pro. :D

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