Haruhi Suzumiya!

there comes a time in everyone's life where one falls head over toes in love. for the gazzilionth time Guess what I'm in love with? xD

TADA! The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya!! ^^; it's about this girl that's in search of aliens, time travellers and espers! and she created a world of her own with her imagination. so basically, there's two girls and a guy that takes her as a god.

bwa ha ha. I would like that. xP

Despite the craziness of the events that occur in the anime, the graphic is NICE! ^^
Excuse me while I burst into a million pieces.
till then,
p.s. - I want my song ;))
rebecca. movie craze.

1 comment:

Alvin Kuan said...

eeuuu muzzzz piut zeeeee chatbox...