another April.

while I'm typing this, I'm drinking blood. HA. fat chance.. sigh, I'm drinking ribena.

anyway, I decided to post something because I, Rebecca Ng *** **** (it's not a swear word.. -.-") , had sucesfully spoken to a particular guy. and I felt like my blood had all been flushed out of my face.

all my blood! I was feeling so cold when i swooshed past block G. garhhh.. It's not like my heart flew a thousand miles or anything but it skipped a beat, I swear to that. anyway, my schedule's fuullll-eh~ it's like wake up > school > stay back > online > eat > homework > sleep. sometimes tuition exchanged homework when homework exchanges online. sigh.

yeah yeah, this sunday Sports' Day; I'm skipping church for that crap, uhm.. I mean event. :D Chi.. should I invite him or not? we have to wear this very leng topi'. resembles dunno what, our commander didn't fulfilled his promise in saying that he'll tell us what it means after raptai. ohh well, we don't need to know anyway, it looks pretty much like those people from China's history. (: just a hint of what it looks like.


pecah~ hmm hmm. hmmmmmm.. urh, uhmm.. bye bye. ><

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