support rumah merah. :D


I feel so whizzy, as if i've gulped 5 cartons of coke in a seconnd. yes, anyway.. Cai Ling!! wait for my stories on Monday please. (: I will surely have PLENTIFUL! so be patient. and I'm very very sorry I forgot to pass on the recipe to you.. all your fault la!din remind me!!

Happy Single Awareness Day!

To all of you happy single people, I wish u the best of brains and soul. May you be happy in your current lives. Ha Ha Ha.

oh yeh.

btw, our school chess team won third place in zon bangsar. So they got a bronze each person; and my sister is happy. very. happy. I'm still wondering what fun in there in chess..

anyhows, I'm going to comment on the movie i claimed that i've wasted my money on that beh, quek, yvonne, sue yin n me watched last sunday -- Kung Fu Dunk.

please, stick to singing, seriously. Just do it.

1 comment:

~TïfÄ~^^ said...

tat was SO...NOT my fault!!!
i did remind u..
u probably din hear it oni ma...