movies + tag

currently addicted to Blassreiter. xD this anime series is highly recommended and it's ALL OVER CR's homepage. ((: I'll rate 5 stars for it!

there's so mucho movies these days! I've been able to finish some but the rest are all on my pending list. SHEESH. screw exams, really.

1) Dragon Zakura (Nagasawa & Pi-chan acting together again!)
note to jade : I'm not being addicted to pi-chan. at least not like you are towards Shige. bleh.

2) Maid in Akihabara (the main char. have the voice of a pure anime character which is annoying.)

3) Last Friends (Nagasawa acting!)

I find the poster really cool, hahahahaha.

4) Trick - season 1,2 & 3 (Abe Hiroshi as mr. physician here, really funny + mysterious)

5) piano no mori (i dun think I've mentioned it before but this is one helluva beautiful movie created here)


oh, do I hate tags. ): I think mr. Ken Ho Weixing (see, it's a joined word! ha!) had nothing better to do and decided to do a tag and conveniently tagged someone else which had nothing better to do either. and that's why the person with nothing better to do is currently completing this tag. sigh, so anyway; here goes.

1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!


1. I talk in my sleep. bahahaha.

2. I LOVE TISSUES!! : D i dunno why, I think owning a pack of tissue is really cool. ;P

3. I always wished to dream about Peter Pan so he could take me to Neverland. LOL.

4. I'm dislike slunting things/places and slippery places/things. cuz I often imagine things/humans sliding off/slip and fall. or maybe end up dying (?) xD

5. I've always wanted to marry a Spanish HOT guy. bwaahahahahah. and by the looks of it, it's not coming true. SIGH. (explains why I support SPAIN!)

6. I talk to myself. yeah it sounds stupid, but the little voices won't stop. xDD

7. I purposely don't bring cash to school so that the pengawas can't find a way to denda me. really, they tend to forget to run after my debt the next day when they promised to hunt me down for my debt of RM1.00.

8. I use to believe the 'f' in the petrol meter in the car stands for finish and 'e' stands for enough (thank you, dad, for giving me such informations)

9. I fancy war based movies. (clashing sound of metal against metal rocks!)

10. I am very very very very very very very very very very very indecisive.

11. I'm head-over-toes in love with JADE! bwahahahahhaa. Jade, be afraid.

12. I want to buy the complete set of Hana Yori Dango manga with the reason of, I want to study how Domyouji Tsukasa's hair is drawn. xP

13. I hate forwarded mails too. ): there was a period of time when I sent replies back to people that sent me forwarded mails about how much I hate them. gah, but I still somehow get the mails. shtupede.

14. I spend hours on the net doing nothing.

15. I love crafting things. like.. making a pot out of clay/carving wood.

I MAKE SUFFER (tag) ::

- Cai Ling
- Elaine
- Chien! (:
- Jen Hoe
- whoever's reading this but name's not listed.

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