of Pringles.

I feel like I'm made out of sponge. I can't stop eating. LOL. if you fed me ten pans of pizza, I would finish them for you; while it's still sizzling hot too.

yes well, to whoever who goes to the same school as me,

be prepared to see an over-weight ball named rebecca bouncing in front of you tomorrow, in school. sorry if I ever squashed you with my almighty weight.

so far my hair had been annoying the crap out of me. for 6 periods I've tried my best to read ' Love, Rosie ' and those stupid little strands keeps dropping off my head, refusing to be tied up neatly. sides, my fringe is in the way of my vision too. I wonder why I even sliced it off in the first place? this is so stupid.

I must say, I've been under the influence of laziness *edit*these days - not finishing my homeworks and doing things when I'm suppose to do other things. ha, yes. truth revealed. anyway, let me see hmm.. list of homeworks:

- chinese essays (8?)
- rumusan
- tatabahasa
- sejarah notes (4 chapters)
- koperasi's carta organisasi
- moral esei
- moral k. amal report
- add maths (2.5 chapters)
- maths (which I don't even bother to bring my text book to sch)
- Eng. essay (2)
- sivik
- karangan

note to readers : ones with itallics have been untouched even before the holidays.

I hope that's it. zZ; I'm even boring myself to death typing this itself.

so I guess I'll scram now.
cheers, to a super boring blog post!

girl with unhealthy eating habits.
P.S I hope to skip tuition today *dreads* but hoping won't help. pfft.

oh, I almost forgot. I BEG YOU TO BUY MY COUPUNS . o.o
to my darling Jade : buy them, come for the carnival and I promise to give you your doll.

Date : 19th July (which is this Saturday)
Time : God-knows
Venue : His Sanctuary of Glory (HSG), Taman Yarl

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