weekend rush

SO. 19th of July. to start it off,


you've officially become sixteen years old and you're OLD. bwahahahaha.

erhem. so it's been a VERY VERY eventful day. starting off with a grass plucking session in school. it made my legs ache like CRAZY. but yehh.. good exercise. so far I've found 7 earthworms and disturbed 2 red ants nests, 1 live snail, a clam (God knows why it's there), chunks of snail shells, loadsa dirt, and a whole Taman full of ... wild grass!!

then later we (alvin, foong, sis, kakak & me) went to the HSG carnival. Which PLENTY of you homosapiens ignored me completely when I asked you whether you're interested in purchasing coupuns for the event. urhem. Foong kept on stalking on the marble game stall and Alvin .... he kept on shrugging when I asked him what he wanted to do.

summing up the carnival, we bought 4 packets of food back home and kakak got the whole day off cooking. syoknye~ and I got 4 permanent mosquito bites one my legs.

then alvin and foong stayed at my house and wasted my Saturday away, we played Risk (a world dominating board game) and stopped when it was 5.30pm cuz we (foong, alvin & me) had to prepare to go to Catholic High's Scout's campfire. WHICH I 100% regretted, with all my heart that I attended. okay, maybe only 70%.

why did I regret attending? you were asking. I could hear you even though you haven't read it yet. I'm not telling you why. Personal reasons, private and confidential. (: but I'll tell you one thing. Ken Ho Wei Xing and EVIL! why? he said I looked like a Japanese assassin. why? because alvin's FRIENDS claim that I look like I'm going to kill someone (which is cool, ok)all the time (pfft), and mr. Ken said that my eyebrows are thick which actually means I look like a Japanese. zomg. what kind of reason is THAT?????!!! screw you, wei xing. fuh, but Pn. Rohaya said I looked like a Japanese before too. sigh. does that means I will marry a Japanese? (: I don't mind you know..

anyway, I got to see a lot of people I didn't knew still existed which was thrilling, really. because I didnt knew them and they didnt knew me! hahahahahaha. okay, not funny.

reached home at 12am and EVERYONE including my brother that's stuck to the computer screen 24/7. amazing. so I called my sister, whom very conveniently hung up on me w/o speaking a word even. my brother, which switched off his cell; mom with the phone downstairs and a ringtone too soft to hear; the house phone which rang and rang and rang but no one made any gesture to wake up; finally my kakak, whom woke up with a dready-sleepy voice as if she's talking to a person that just killed her pet dog.

anyway, my mom opened the door in the end and I went straight to bed.


the next morning! oh, whoever is reading should really close this browser and go do something more beneficial.

alvin came terrorizing my phone. apparently, he PURPOSELY left his yellow bag the previous night and wanted to attend HSG's service this morning, then get his bag and run off home. so behold! he attended the service and made Samuel doubted whether I was Rebecca Ng or not. well, HELLO? who else would have the name Rebecca Ng except for me, the bouncy one?

service ended and everything then John Yong something came stalking on alvin. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. followed by Ryan Tan something. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. and so did my elder lovely brother that came terrorizing everyone in the morning by immitating Jay Chou singing 'huo huo huo huo huo huo huo huo~' and whom also copy-catted me wearing black. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Alvin, I bet you didn't knew HSG members were more of a stalker than you/foong would ever be. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

we ate lunch and I slept because the TV was feeding me junk and I was HOT downstairs, so I accidentally switched on the air-cond in my room and fell asleep. accidents happen you know.

then my sis dropped alvin home on the way to IOI, which she conveniently pulled me along. oh yeah, Jade, I got my cottons!! for the doll. went to IOI where my sis bought a small bag (that I claim will be useless) that she says she will use it and it is very 'dai'. after that, we stalked Nichii stall and my sis found out that her ornament belt (which I claim to be horrendous) that she says rocks a lot isn't on sale anymore.

we went home after buying the cottons and the crab sticks and the cucumber.

I idled (which means sinned, omg) until 5.30pm - where the fun finally begin. started whacking on the shuttlecock until 7pm : lost LOADS of calories. seriously, all the food I've ate yesterday due to the carnival were probably ALL dissolved into sweat during that one and a half hours. fuh. YVONNE : WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME IN BADMINTON????

that sums up my weekend. no homework completed + waste time + eventful.

sorry Kavilan, (if you ever visit my blog) I didn't attended your school's IU day. I will DEFINITELY do so next year. (((: invite me again and I'll blast everyone out by letting them know what my preception of semi-formal means. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. ok, not funny.

I almost forgot,


I hope I got your name correct. ha ha ha ha ha ha. once again, if you ever visit my blog, that's to you. and you still owe me potato chips. since 4 years ago. AND, you're getting bouncier too! ((:

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