..mas! merry - mas. Christmas.

GOD. I'm emo-ing.
everyone's greeting merry christmas here there whatever everywhere. but do they even really mean it? it's so sad. it's so sad that I cried listening to 'I will be around' by Nick something. yes seriously. and my mom said 'stop being so sensitive lah.'

repeat after my words,

assuming makes an ass out of u & me.
that's assume.

but that song by Nick something is seriously nice. uh - I think I "discovered" it while watching Disney in my aunt's house but none of you viruses in the net that speeds past my page would even stop by to read would like to know.

except Jade who continuously stalks my blog to see if I've replied her spams. she's not a virus. whatever.


on a happier note,

Ohno is driving me crazy. I CAN'T STOP SAYING '.. se, no - gomene!' or I keep remembering 'YOU! kekkon-suru!'

it's all that sleepover with Jade's fault.

well, she took this whole bunch of CDs & DVDs over which we din get to finish watching. man - I suck! I din got any stuffs for her to watch , except Code Blue which is from Alvin. so it's technically not mine either.

must go Jdrama hunt when I stop being emo about my excess fat.

but anyway,
Jadee-chan! right I should stop acting cute.

honto wa arigatou gozaimasu for coming over and sleep on my pokey pokey bed sheet. seriously don't you think the bed sheet is super yuck? & superly gomen Shige doll numbah 2 is nowhere to be seen + the forgetful brain of mine that forgot to give you the super cool star shaped keychain from the ever so lovely Phuket. had you saw yamapi cried yet? it's sad. very very very sad. anyway, love you loads! wth I should just reply your spams. kurisumasu omedeto gozaimasu!


uh - if someone by the name Cai Ling happen to be reading this,

anyway I suck at baking cakes so wth you shouldn't ask me to bake anything for you so therefore if I don't make one it'll be saving you from dumping it OUT of your house. *grins stupidly*

oh okay. gomen. hontoni gomen. (- A -)

should I bring you a small tiny little ball shaped thing I call a cake along with your easily breakable plate to school on 5th Jan? I shall if you don't find a way to reply me. sms, cBox, neopets - anything lah. just don't phone me. I will not pick the phone up.

happy very belated birthday !
how was your birthday anyways?

see you in school! and uh , let's hope you don't slack off like you did this year next year. let's hope I don't either so I can motivate you! and you can motivate me! and we shall score all As in SPM! yeah right.


my new year's resolution :
- make excess fat disappear completely
- save as much money as possible
- hunt for Jdramas
- study like some evil genius crap
- drink 8 glasses of water a day for at least a week
- make sure I watch every funny movies throughout the year

right I'm pissed off now. SHIT. FAAAAHHHHHHHHH-huk. I shoudn't swear. at least properly I shouldnt.

blog again in two thousand nine.
screw mood swings.

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