
and a whole lot of them in such a short period isn't very good.

my house is covered in dust. thick, pungent, disturbing, itchy dust. which it will all change for the better in a matter of time. well, at least I hope it will. because all the strangers moving in and out of my house makes my hula-hooping time decrease in great number.

oh yeah,my house is getting an onning for the baju-baju for the years to come so that they won't get drenched in the rain while we're all at school listening to the teacher speak or speaking to the students from my mom's perspective. that explains the dust.

i'll bid farewell by being happy about getting back my dear darling super awesome lovely room. kakak, I could never have liked you more. (:


>> when all else fails, search for his footprints in the sand.

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