they never understand

no, people won't understand. they never do understand and they never will anyways, so I don't find the point in stating this out but.

when a person is having a hard time and tell you his/her stuff, listen. don't put him/her off by saying 'hey, cheer up anyways'. it's exactly like pouring cold water. except it's pouring cold water when you're sad. so it's double sadness. and resulting in double emoness.

people actually experience it themselves and they KNOW what people want to hear when they are sad and pouring out stories like grandmothers. but what do people care about? what more than themselves? people know what reaction given would be best but they differ from it and chose the easier route -- not having to deal with the sadness. guess what? you either lose a friend or you add on the space between yourselves when you do the 'hey, cheer up' crap.

what's so hard in listening? afterall, all you need to do is just sit there, nod your head from time to time and give out agreeing sounds. thats it! the end. close book, throw down toilet, flush.

unless if you're some kind of a ADHD patient and can't stop jumping around, I forgive you. anyone would forgive you. *sigh* a day of revelations it seems to be. I've discovered a lot of stuffs that are not really very pleasing. which I don't seem to want to recall.

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