I'M BACK! *grins my abnormal grin*
and sweating like no one's business. I lost a rounded up amount of 2kg over the last two days.(believe me, I just weighed myself) let's see .. steep-hill climbing, setting up tent under hot burning Malaysia sun, eating less food than I normally do for 2 days, slept for 3 hours .. or was it 2 hours?, had sukaneka (tug-o-war, racing), cooked (O.O it's actually edible! don't worry, no one died), acted as a yakuza, played badminton, did aerobic, treasure hunt, talking more than I normally do, made my mind process more Malay Language than usual .. yeah, guess that's it. OH! and walked home via bus ride in between walks under hot hot hot hot hot sun.
So anyway, I need to shut up and make my pictures start talking. oh wait, before that, you need to know I got seperated with JingQi because of the group numbering stuff. so.. yeah.
First Day :
watch tower in Bukit Gasing. (yeah, we climbed Bukit Gasing and thought it was a BIG deal.)
umbrella pun dah keluar. apa yg kurang lagi?
Lol. JingQi can become a pro model.
Spagghetti for lunch.
'ngok, Hajar gune chopstick tu!
JingQi & Hajar sack jumping (sukaneka)
Nazib pregnant with a balloon and .. iforgothisname posing.
positions of one of the three tug-o-war that my group actually won.
group photo! don't ask why my feet appeared on top of someone's head. I don't know either. 0:-)
they cooked dinner while I cam-whored.
JingQi cooked. A lot. for her group only lah. ):
my group's super delicious dinner.
me & Nazib
me in full (so-called) yakuza costume & Nazib
En. Hazdi lied to us weih! He.. he told us to go to the multipurpose hall at 1am but when we passed by at 1.10am, no one was there. AND PLUS he told us to wake up at 5.30am for don't know what lah but he himself wasn't there. That was TWICE he tricked us! lousy. and anyway, I tossed and turned through the night and I didn't got any sleep at all until the.. 20th song on was playing. D: actually I was about to go sleep at the 15th song butthen 'breaking free' started playing and I was all, whoa. This song reminds me of so many many things and when HSM wasn't that cheesy and bleaugh. but Hajar likes HSM so.. dahlah. don't insult too much.
continue on! 2nd Day :
sky in Kuchai at 7am.
Nazib's super cool way of heating his bread.
before taking down the tent.
the all so famouse international language of aliens
Hajar & me
my group and being clueless about what the clue 'large pondok small house' meant during treasure hunt
Form 2 creeps that made our lives horrible with their idea of the Sukaneka activities, first-night activity (the yakuza dress up), and treasure hunt.
I didn't particularly cared whether I won the lousy treasure hunt anyways, because the other group that won got a very beautiful round and yellow thing with pink scribbles on it.
tada! ah, tahniah, syabas. dpt dah belon happy kan?
Nazib showing his skills of washing chicken
Pn. Toh! our mentor. (:
you guess lah what it is. you guess lah. guess je.
cincau? jelly? gui lin gao? NOH. all wrong. it's OIL. cooking oil. I wonder if anyone would believe if I said it was Diesel and sold it away?
LOL. this is funny story about the steamer.
see the leg without slippers? the owner of the pair of legs apparently had no idea how to steam food and so very coincidentally place the whole three layers of thing on top of the fire. with the chicken in it on the second layer. with no water at all on the first layer. very funny. I laughed till my toe started to join me in laughter in my head.
Hajar & JingQi with specs
Hajar & clues for treasure hunt & me
my group's tasteless lunch that has the look. see children, don't judge a book by it's cover.
the other group's lunch which fried rice with egg I didn't taste. ):
'Betty, 'ngok, masih ade darah la, tak enak langsung ko.'
I thought the tea tasted better than the food.
I'm suppose to go offline now cause my arm and stomach are starting to ache and my shoulders are stiff and I can't walk properly because of .. screw aerobics.
dah. DAH. anyway, I had fun la. my BM boosted up thanks to Betty and Hajar and Nazib. Lol. but Nazib don't speak much. unlike Hajar who can go on and on and on about movies to people to TV series to F1 to WWE to football (go Fabregas!) to singers to tennis players to US President election to motor racing to everything else in the whole wide world you can speak of about lah! and the problem is JingQi knows as much as she does so I did most of the listening and agreeing (especially to the part where she said Fabregas leng chai lah) and giving comment like DBSK is not really that cool.
oh okay, sorry. anyway, DAH! (: I'm going to go bath and straight to bed. D: En. Hazdi, kenapalah tipu kami? 'ngok, I dah hilang 2kg ni. tak mcm saye dah, dah tak bulat. tak cantik lah mcm ni.. kan? (:
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