multi-purpose post!

it's so funny how when people tell me how much they look up to me or how much they wish they were like me. believe me, I'm not bragging. but it's just so weird because I know myself how many things I have that I don't consider as even a quality. I'm still a kid, there are still so many more to learn. I don't understand why would people wish to be like me, it's so funny.

yes yes I know it's going to be mine soon but let me enjoy being young for the time being. uh, HMM. so let's see if you read my blog often enough to read this post. xD to a girl I've known since primary but had never gotten close to. I wonder why people can know a person for so long yet not know the person well. it astounds me sometimes. anyway! I bet she's enjoying her trip in ,, Melbourne is it? ahh well.


it was Samurai Sudoku Championship yesterday in Ikano!

p/s that was the finals!!

and the result of that is that I ate 2 McValue meal number 1 twice in a day. at the same spot -- in front of the pc screen. I can hear Abby from Beauty and the Best ringing in my ears now, in her lovely Liverpool accent , '.. what kind of a freak would walk right into McDonalds twice in a month?'

I love Him,
more than ever now.
nothing can surpass what is of His.
my God is good,
All the time.

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