
well, there's a tiny little thing following the page at the right-hand side bottom corner of the screen, so if you hover your mouse over it, something will appear. click it! :D

I've joined YouthSays under the influence of my sister. the amount of surveys there waiting for me to answer finish! haven! you cute little readers might not know it but I'm actually quite attached to answering surveys/doing tags. so when you're tagging me with a tag, I'm enjoying it more than I'm suffering. seriously, you don't believe me do you? - -

anyway, so this YouthSays thing is about voicing your opinion to people who will actually take your opinions to consideration. obviously they won't go and consider your opinion such as 'gulung tikar lah lousy tooot toot tooooooot' you know? if it were me receiving the opinion, I would track down your IP add and stalk you for the rest of your days. obviously to make your life a living hell.

so join lah! be a part of this gigantic huge family and voice out your opinions! sing to the world~ tadahhhH!!

gotta go iron the uniforms now. aren't house chores a bummer?
running my perfect race with Him guiding me step by step in His footprints.

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